S. W. Green's Son (1882)

This book is quite scarce. The publisher as noted below is not well known. This title was described as part of the "Elegant New Editions of Standard Publications" per an advertisement in 1882. It was originally priced at 75 cents. Eight titles were included in this set and they were sold individually as well as boxed. The eight volume box was priced at $5.00.

The S.W. Green's Son publishing firm is virtually unknown. In the 1870's it printed the Publisher's Weekly as well as a number of books for Lee and Shepard. It stopped publishing in 1883 when it was taken over by the Chas. M. Green Printing Company. Previously in 1879 S. W. Green became S.W. Green's Son when Green sold his interest in the firm to H. A. Burr.

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