Harper and Brothers (1860-1882)

Harper and Brothers published the first hard cover edition of Tom Brown Brown at Oxford. Well at least they published the first half of the book first. While Ticknor and Fields was publishing Oxford in parts, Harper came out with its pirated version of the first half of the book in cloth. This book actually ended in the middle of a sentence exactly like the corresponding part (Part # 7) did. This book has 1860 on its title page. The second half was published when the book was completed and has 1861 on the title page. This half was published after Harper came to an agreement with Ticknor and Fields (the authorized publisher).

Harper and Brothers continued to publish both titles separately as well as in combination books throughout the 1860's and into the 1870's. Harper actually was the first to publish both titles in wraps. This was in 1870.

In 1882 Tom Brown's School-Days was printed as number 237 in its Harper's Franklin Square Library. This series consisted mainly of works of fiction issued weekly in wraps. The Tom Brown book is dated March 17, 1882.

1860 First Edition of Tom Brown at Oxford

1870 Combination book

1870's Combination book

1882 Franklin Square Library Edition

Click images to enlarge.